Website News

How to open unidentified macOS applications on macOS 15.

Playing Ghost Recon: Wildlands.

Project Horror is live, and released. This was a small game project I built to see if I can get something out in time for Halloween. Even thought I’m two days late I wanted to still release something. Enjoy!

This is Part 2 which is still light on things, but now features player movement, and a starting area for our player.

With Halloween coming up I want to see If I can build a small “scary” game. This is the first of a few devlogs. I came across a PSP homebrew game called ‘Slender: The 8 pages’ and decided to use it as an inspiration. My hopes is to have something ready by Halloween. This is Part 1 with more videos coming. If you wish to see more content from me, don’t forget to subscribe. Thanks for watching.

I talk about a two game projects I’m working. The first is called “Ball in the Basket 3D”, and the second is “Project Prototype 3D.” I am using the Unity 3D game engine. Thanks for watching.

An update video for September. I talk about my website, twitter/x, and linkedin. I also talk about other ideas.

I created a new web page entitled “Creatisoft Web” with the purpose of sharing web-related projects I create.

Starfield: New REV-8 Vehicle in Action!

I released an update for “Project Prototype”, version 0.6.0, and you can find the blog post for it here.

Running Unreal Gold on macOS

Platform Claw” was originally created to be a game part the Kenney 48-hour game jam, but unfortunately the deadline was missed. The theme for this game jam was “Connection”. You control a claw to move platforms around, help the player get the key, and finally, open the door.. Head on over to the Portfolio section, or check it out on There is also a blog post here.

In this video I discuss a project I built called “Falling Blocks NFT” which was minted on a block chain, but I no longer have access to it. There is a unreleased Quake 2 review clip I show at the end which was filmed in the beginning of the year.

BreakBricks [re:Build]” is a small game inspired by the popular game ‘Breakout’. Head on over to the Portfolio section, or check it out on There is also a blog post here.

In this video I show you how to play The Elderscrolls: Daggerfall on macOS using Daggerfall Unity.

Falling Blocks – NFT [re:Build]” is a simple game in which blocks fall from the sky, and your goal is to balance it on a paddle. Head on over to the Portfolio section, or check it out on There is also a blog post here.

I created a buymeacoffe account, so anyone who wishes to support the website can do so.

“Project Prototype” version 0.6.0-preview. Stay tuned for updates.

“Guessing-Game-Swift” – A simple number guessing game written in Swift.

macos terminal icon

I released an update for “Project Prototype”, version 0.5.0, and you can find the blog post for it here.

I was playing around with Mario Builder 64, and decided to try messing with the switches, platforms and some other stuff.

In this video I show you how to setup, and play The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind on modern day macOS with openmw.

In this video I talk about a recently released tool named “Mario Builder 64”.

Creatisoft Game Bundle Screenshot

My first small game project is out now on the iOS app store. It is a combination of JukeBox Football, and Paper, Rock Scissors combined into one package for iOS. Check it out here.

Project Prototype” is a small prototype I created for fun, and experimentation. It is a 3D First-Pesron / Third-Person with basic DualSense controller support. Head on over to the Projects section, or check it out on There is also a blog post here.

twitter post

The website has been updated, and cleaned up.

I created a Github pages in which you can visit here.

A new game project has been released. “Jukebox Football[re:Build]” head on over to the Projects section, or check it out on There is also a blog post here.

A new game project has been released. “Paper, Rock, Scissors [re:Build]” head on over to the Projects section, or check it out on There is also a blog post here.

I uploaded a small software project created with .NET Maui, and Visual Studio 2022 — check out in the Software page to download. Enjoy!

I uploaded another small video game project I was working on called “Break Bricks” which you can check out in the Games page to download. Enjoy!

I uploaded a small video game project I was working on called “Elevator Game” which you can check out in the Games page to download. You can find a blog post here.

I uploaded a small project written in C. It is a simple time converter program. — Check out the Software page!

I uploaded a small project written in C. It is a simple number guessing game. I also updated the Games page to include Unity3D project files download links. — Check out the Software, and Games page!


The website is currently under-going some changes, and is currently under construction. In the mean time — Check out the Software, and Games page!