Setup 1: Head on over to read the instructions, and install.
Setup 2: Once finished. Open up “Terminal” and install SDL2 with the command below.
Setup 3: Create a new project in Xcode.
Setup 4: Select “Command Line Tool” template.
Setup 5: Choose a name for your project, and under language select “C”.
Setup 6: Go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme….
Setup 7: Uncheck “Metal API Validation”.
Setup 8: Under “Build Settings” fill the Header, and Library search paths with the appropriate locations.
Setup 9: Under “General” click the “+” button.
Setup 10: The Finder window will open. Press “Command + SHIFT + G”, and navigate to the “/opt” path.
Setup 11: Follow the path below, and select the “libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib” file.
Setup 12: Finished. Everything should be working, and the only thing left to do is find an example file to compile.
Note: you will need to use the header: #include <SDL2/SDL.h>