Month: January 2024

  • Burger Chris

    Burger Chris

    Burger Chris What it is? “Burger Chris” is a simple arcade-style game where the objective is to get the food in the bag, and score points!  How do I play it? Simply move Chris underneath the item you want to drop, and press the up arrow ⬆️. To move Chris left and right use the…

  • Tutorial: Setup SDL 2 + Xcode

    Tutorial: Setup SDL 2 + Xcode

    Setup 1: Head on over to read the instructions, and install. Setup 2: Once finished. Open up “Terminal” and install SDL2 with the command below. Setup 3: Create a new project in Xcode. Setup 4: Select “Command Line Tool” template. Setup 5: Choose a name for your project, and under language select “C”. Setup…

  • Website Update

    Website Update

    Happy New Years! It’s officially a new year! and along with this new year I wanted to post a small update regarding the website. One of the first things I want to do going forward is updating the website with more content more frequently. I realize I seldomly update the website with new content, and…