Burger Chris
What it is?
“Burger Chris” is a simple arcade-style game where the objective is to get the food in the bag, and score points!
How do I play it?
Simply move Chris underneath the item you want to drop, and press the up arrow ⬆️. To move Chris left and right use the Left ⬅️, and Right ➡️ arrow keys. It’s that simple!
- easy controls
- catchy music, and sound effects
- score system
- simple gameplay
Project Notes:
- Created in Unity version 2022.3.14 LTS
- Art assets from Kenney, and KayKit.
- Christopher is my first name.
- Started on January 1st 2024 as a new years resolution project.
- Inspired by various food games I enjoy playing.
Source code:
- Project files are available as a purchase.
- Provided as-is with no support.
- Yours to keep.
(release date: 1-24-2024)