Category: project updates blog
Project Horror
What it is? “Project Horror” is a first-person horror adventure game. Where the goal is to collect notes, and avoid running into the slender man. It was inspired by a PSP homebrew game entitled “Slender: The 8 pages” How do I play it? Features: Project Notes: Download Project Horror by Creatisoft
Platform Claw
What it is? “Platform Claw” was originally created to be a game part the Kenney 48-hour game jam, but unfortunately the deadline was missed. The theme for this game jam was “Connection”. You control a claw to move platforms around, help the player get the key, and finally, open the door. How do I play…
BreakBricks [re:Build]
What it is? “BreakBricks [re:Build]” is a small game inspired by the popular game ‘Breakout’. How do I play it? Project Notes: Source code: Download BreakBricks [re:Build] by Creatisoft
Falling Blocks – NFT [re:Build]
What it is? “Falling Blocks – NFT [re:Build]” is a simple game in which blocks fall from the sky, and your goal is to balance it on a paddle. This game was inspired by a similar arcade game. The game was originally created to mint an NFT. How do I play it? Project Notes: Source…
Project Prototype update ver. 0.6.0
What it is? “Project Prototype” is a Third-Person / First-Person 3D prototype I built to learn, and experiment with. You can walk, jump, and shoot a projectile to interact with the objects in the level. How do I play it? Ver. 0.6.0 update notes: Ver. 0.5.0 update notes: Project Notes: Download Project Prototype by Creatisoft
Project Prototype
What it is? “Project Prototype” is a Third-Person / First-Person 3D prototype I built to learn, and experiment with. You can walk, jump, and shoot a projectile to interact with the objects in the level. How do I play it? Features: Project Notes: Source code: Download Project Prototype by Creatisoft (release date: 02-13-2024)
JukeBox Football [re:Build]
What it is? “Jukebox Football [re:Build]” is simple arcade-style game where the objective is to catch the ball! What does the [re:Build] part mean? Simply put I rebuilt the project. It was a project I had laying around on a backup drive, and decided to release it along with upgrading the project to a more current version…
Paper, Rock, Scissors [re:Build]
Paper, Rock, Scissors [re:Build] What it is? “Paper, Rock, Scissors [re:Build]” is the classic game of the same name! The only objective here is to have a bit of fun! What does the [re:Build] part mean? Simply put I rebuilt the project. It was a project I had laying around on a external drive, I…
Burger Chris
Burger Chris What it is? “Burger Chris” is a simple arcade-style game where the objective is to get the food in the bag, and score points! How do I play it? Simply move Chris underneath the item you want to drop, and press the up arrow ⬆️. To move Chris left and right use the…
“Elevator Game”
The “Elevator Game” is a simple 2D platform game with the purpose of collecting the key, and opening the lock once you have the key in your inventory. Controls:Keyboard “A” and “D” to MOVE the player.Keyboard Spacebar to JUMP.Keyboard “L” to move the Elevator. How to Play:Jumping on the button will take the elevator to…