What it is?
“Jukebox Football [re:Build]” is simple arcade-style game where the objective is to catch the ball! What does the [re:Build] part mean? Simply put I rebuilt the project. It was a project I had laying around on a backup drive, and decided to release it along with upgrading the project to a more current version of Unity.
How do I play it?
Click the pass button, and see if the player catches the ball!
- easy controls
- catchy music
- score system
- simple gameplay
Project Notes:
- Created in Unity version 2022.3.18 LTS
- Art assets created by me.
- Music from: https://opengameart.org/content/nintendo-style-upbeat-music-loop-02
- Inspired by a mini game inside of a jukebox to earn free credits to play music.
- Originally built with Unity 2018.4.20 LTS
Source code:
- Provided as-is with no support.
- Yours to keep.
(release date: 02-13-2024)